Turning Challenges Into Opportunities
At Hubbard County Developmental Achievement Center, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to have a meaningful life, contribute to the community, and experience personal success.
Our stores are thrift-based stores that accept donations from the community. They offer an opportunity for our clients to work in the community while helping to raise funds for the DAC programs.
Our services are innovative, person-centered, and flexible. We offer a wide range of services that include individual assessment, person-centered planning and so much more.
This service helps promote independence and community integration by providing training where needed in learning new employment skills.
This service is an attractive alternative to community employment. We contract work through area businesses that our clients can do during the day at the DAC.
The Hubbard County DAC was started in 1973 by a group of local citizens. Their mission was to provide Day Training and Habilitation services for seven developmentally disabled adults in Park Rapids who had been long term residents of state institutions. By 1978 the program had grown to include 25 program participants and 5 staff. It was called the "Day Activity Center " and the mission was to maximize independence through normalization. In 1979 a work activity program was licensed and a work center built. The program was eventually renamed the Hubbard County Developmental Achievement Center.

Over the last 43 years, our program has grown to meet the changing needs of our clients. It has evolved to include services that promote personal growth, dignity and the development of work and social skills and provide opportunities for becoming part of the community. Today, our four business locations offer clients a choice in training and employment. The HCDAC also contracts with area businesses to supply work groups for additional job opportunities.
Our staff has been committed to providing services for the changing needs of the people we serve. By concentrating on abilities, not disabilities, HCDAC strives to assist each client in reaching their maximum potential. We believe that all people can and should have active, healthy relationships within their community and with people who are important in their lives.​
Our mission is to provide high quality, specialized services to persons with developmental disabilities and mental illness. These services promote personal growth, dignity and the development of work and social skills and provide opportunities for becoming part of the community.